Problem Statement

We have to implement the reorderList function that takes the head node of a linked list as input and reorders its nodes in the format specified below.

Given an input list like the following:

$$Node_0 \rightarrow Node_1 \rightarrow Node_2 \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow Node_{(n-2)} \rightarrow Node_{(n-1)} \rightarrow Node_n$$

the reorderList function should reorder its nodes as:

$$Node_0 \rightarrow Node_n \rightarrow Node_1 \rightarrow Node_{(n-1)} \rightarrow Node_2 \rightarrow Node_{(n-2)} \rightarrow \dots$$

Problem statement for the reorderList

Brute Force Solution

To solve this problem we use two iterators: one starting from the head of the input list and another starting from the head of the reversed input list.

We pick values alternatively from both iterators and create a new linked list. The loop will continue until the length of the length of the new linked list is equal to the length of the input list. The nodes in the new linked list will be ordered as specified in the problem statement.

Brute-force solution for the reorderList

Psuedo-code for the Brute Force Solution

reversed_linked_list = reverseList(linked_list)
forward_iter = linked_list.head
reverse_iter = reversed_linked_list.head
reorderedLinkedList = LinkedList()



return reorderedLinkedList

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

With this brute-force solution, we have to iterate over the complete linked list, even in the best-case scenario. The time complexity of the brute-force solution will be $O(n)$ (for iterating over the reorderedList) times $O(n)$ (for calculating the current length of reorderedList) which will result in the total time complexity of $O(n^2)$.

Worst Case Scenario

The time complexity of the worst-case scenario will also be $O(n^2)$.

Space Complexity Analysis

The brute-force solution is using additional $O(2n)$ memory space to store the reversed and reordered linked list.

Code for Brute Force Solution

package main

import "fmt"

type ListNode struct {
    Val int
    Next *ListNode

func Display(ln *ListNode){
    temp := ln
        fmt.Printf("%d->", temp.Val)

func Length(ln *ListNode)(int){

    // Since this function iterates the complete linked list 
    // the time complexity of this function is O(n)
    // where n is the length of the linked list
    temp := ln
    length := 0
        length += 1
    return length

func insertAtFront(ln *ListNode, value int)(*ListNode){

    // Time complexity of inserting a value at the head of the 
    // linked list is O(1)
    newNode := &(ListNode{Val: value})
    newNode.Next = ln
    return newNode

func insertAtEnd(ln *ListNode, value int)(*ListNode){

    // Time complexity of inserting a value at the end of the 
    // linked list is O(n)
        ln = &(ListNode{Val: value})
    } else {
        temp := ln
            temp = temp.Next
        temp.Next = &(ListNode{Val: value})
    return ln

func reverseList(ln *ListNode)(*ListNode){

    // Time complexity of reversing a linked list is O(n)
    // where n is the length of the linked list
    var reversedList *ListNode
    temp := ln
        reversedList = insertAtFront(reversedList, temp.Val)
    return reversedList

func reorderList(head *ListNode){
    forwardIter := head
    reverseIter := reverseList(head)
    inputListLength := Length(head)
    var reorderedList *ListNode
    // The following loop will be executed n times
    // where n is the length of the linked list

        // Inserting a value at the end of a linked list will take O(n) time
        reorderedList = insertAtEnd(reorderedList, forwardIter.Val)

        // Validating the length of a linked list will take O(n) time as well
        // Time Complexity: O(n)
        reorderedList = insertAtEnd(reorderedList, reverseIter.Val)

        // Time Complexity: O(n)
        forwardIter = forwardIter.Next
        reverseIter = reverseIter.Next
    // Copying the values of reorderedList to the input linked list
        head.Val = reorderedList.Val

func main(){
    var ln *ListNode
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 1)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 2)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 3)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 4)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 5)
    fmt.Println("Input Linked List:")

    fmt.Println("Reordered Linked List:")

// Output
// Input Linked List:
// 1->2->3->4->5->
// Reordered Linked List:
// 1->5->2->4->3->

Optimized Solution

To solve this problem in linear time while also reducing the space complexity (by performing operations in-place) we have to switch to the Fast-Slow Pointer Approach.

We have to break the input linked list from the middle (or the middle.Next node in the case of an odd number of nodes). Then we will insert the nodes from the second half of the linked list in between the nodes of the first half. However, the second half of the linked list has to be reversed to achieve the reordering format specified in the problem statement.

First, we will iterate over the input linked list using the fast and slow pointers.

Optimized solution for the reorderList

At the end of the iteration, the fast pointer will be at the end of the linked list and the slow pointer will be at the middle node.

Then we will break the input linked list into two halves from the slow.Next node.

Optimized solution for the reorderList

Since the reordering form requires the last node to be placed in between the first and second node of the list we have to reverse the second half of the input linked list.

Optimized solution for the reorderList

Finally, we will iterate over the first half of the input linked list while also inserting the nodes from the second half (reversed) in between.

Optimized solution for the reorderList

Psuedo code for the Optimized Solution

fast = linked_list.head
slow = linked_list.head
while(!=nil or fast!=nil){
  fast =
  slow =

temp = = nil
slow = temp

reversed_half_list = reverse(slow)

temp = linked_list.head
reverse_temp = reversed_half_list.head
  temp2 = = reverse_temp = temp2
  temp = temp2
return linked_list.head

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

The time complexity of iterating over the input linked list using fast and slow pointers will be $O(n/2)$ (where $n$ is the size of the linked list) because the fast pointer will skip over every other node.

Reversing the second half of the input linked list will also take $O(n/2)$ time.

Since we are iterating over only the first half of the linked list in the last loop its time complexity will also be $O(n/2)$.

So the total time complexity of the optimized solution in the best-case scenario is $O(3n/2)$ which could be generalized to $O(n)$.

Worst Case Scenario

All the steps in the optimized solution will be executed regardless of the characteristics of the input linked list. So the time complexity for the worst-case scenario will also be $O(n)$.

Space Complexity Analysis

Since we are performing operations in place on the input linked list, no additional memory space is required by the optimized solution. Thus, the total space complexity of the optimized solution is $O(1)$.

Code for Optimized Solution

package main

import "fmt"

type ListNode struct {
    Val int
    Next *ListNode

func Display(ln *ListNode){
    temp := ln
        fmt.Printf("%d->", temp.Val)
        temp = temp.Next

func insertAtFront(ln *ListNode, value int)(*ListNode){
    newNode := &(ListNode{Val: value})
    newNode.Next = ln
    return newNode

func insertAtEnd(ln *ListNode, value int)(*ListNode){
        ln = &(ListNode{Val: value})
    } else {
        temp := ln
        temp.Next = &(ListNode{Val: value})
    return ln

func reverseList(ln *ListNode)(*ListNode){
    var reverseList *ListNode
    temp := ln
        reverseList = insertAtFront(reverseList, temp.Val)
    return reverseList
func reorderList(head *ListNode){

    // Iterating over the input linked list
    // using the fast and slow pointer
    // Time Complexity: O(n/2) since the fast pointer 
    // will skip over every other node
    fast := head
    slow := head

            // When the fast pointer finishes iteration 
            // the slow pointer will be at the middle node
            fast = fast.Next.Next
            slow = slow.Next
        } else {
    // Breaking the input linked list 
    // after the middle node
    temp := slow.Next
    slow.Next = nil
    slow = temp

    // Reversing the 2nd half of the linked list 
    // Time Complexity: O(n/2), where n is the size 
    // of the input linked list
    reversedSecond := reverseList(slow)

    // Iterating over the 1st half of the linked list 
    // and inserting nodes from the reversed 2nd half
    // Time Complexity: O(n/2)
    temp = head

        // Storing next values of temp and reversedSecond 
        // in temporary variables
        temp2 := temp.Next
        tempReversedSlow := reversedSecond.Next
        // Reassigning Next nodes of temp and reversedSecond
        temp.Next = reversedSecond
        reversedSecond.Next = temp2
        temp = temp2
        reversedSecond = tempReversedSlow

func main(){
    var ln *ListNode
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 1)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 2)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 3)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 4)
    ln = insertAtEnd(ln, 5)
    fmt.Println("Input Linked List:")

    fmt.Println("Reordered Linked List:")

// Output
// Input Linked List:
// 1->2->3->4->5->
// Reordered Linked List:
// 1->5->2->4->3->

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143. Reorder List
Linkedin Interview Question - Reorder List - Leetcode 143 - Python