Workflow of container images

Container Images

A container image is a static file that contains the necessary resources (packages, configuration, other dependencies) required to provision a container. It consists of multiple layered-filesystems and a Manifest file, containing its metadata. Open Container Initiative (OCI) Specification Open Container Initiative was established by The Linux Foundation in 2015 to provide Runtime specification Image specification Distribution specification for container images. A container image created from OCI Image specification should have...

March 17, 2023 · 5 min · Avnish
Lifecycle of a container

Container Lifecycle

Container Engines like Podman and Docker provide GUI and CLI utilities for managing the state of containers. They also provide features such as container image management, metrics, logging, and debugging tools. The examples in this article use Podman but CLI commands are mostly interoperable with Docker. We can install Podman on your system by following the steps in Podman Installation Instructions. Podman also provides a graphical interface for managing containers, images, and other resources called Podman Desktop....

February 10, 2023 · 6 min · Avnish